Our Blog

closeup of a seagull's face

Bird damage on sprayfoam roofs? Here's the scoop!

Many clients tell us they've heard that birds can damage a spray foam roof. Is it true, they ask, and how does it happen? If it happens, what can you do about it?
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4 reasons why Cozifoam costs you less

Why Cozifoam Costs You Less

Why does Cozifoam cost you Less?
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A picutre of a roof with the snow melting due to heat loss through gaps in the sheet insulation.

Winner/Loser – Cozifoam's Sprayed-in-Place vs. Sheet Roof Insulation

Sprayed-in-place or sheet roof insulation - which is better?
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sprouting green plant

Why Cozifoam Is Your "Greenest" Roofing Option

Cozifoam is the greenest roofing option for many reasons. Here are a few.
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Man applying a sprayfoam roofing system to a roof.

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Cozifoam

Here are 5 compelling reasons to choose Cozifoam for your next roof!
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A great looking, durable new roof

How to Hire an Excellent Roofer

Don't be disappointed OR ripped off by a roofer! Here's how to find a good one, and be happy for years with your new roof!
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Roof vegetation can damage your roof

Why your roof needs maintenance

Your roof is one of the most costly and important elements of your building envelope. Here's why it needs good maintenance, and how much expense it can save you.
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(587) 855-5050Email Us

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Edmonton, Westlock, Whitecourt, Edson, Wetaskiwin, Drayton Valley, and surrounding areas!
